A guildie last night just achieved Exalted status with the Horde Expedition and was looking to who's tabard they should Champion first? When I started championing the different factions, I started with Knights of the Ebon Blade , because they had an item that I wanted as an upgrade the quartermaster sold. Unfortunately, by the time I reached exalted, I had already found a better upgrade by doing heroics. That's why I suggest that the first tabard you start wearing is not for the gear, but for the vendor savings. I am always in Dalaran; my hearth is set there. I do my repairs, I pickup reagents, I buy food and drink there. Heck, I even bought my final 2 mounts for the Leading the Cavalry achievement there. By reaching exalted with the Kirin Tor , I have saved myself a lot of gold for all these items. In addition to the vendor discounts (20% at Exalted, 15% at revered, 10% at honored). I purchased the Armored Brown Bear at Honored for 750g, if I waited until Exalted, I could...