Got on to run the Heroic daily, and found a pug with 2 other guildies, Baeloc and Carnichan. Sounded like a messed up run before I got there as the first tank dc'd. Once we got a competent tank at the helm, here's what he did.
- Take the second boss into the inn on the second floor, stop all dps, wait 2 minutes then kill him there.
- Go back and wait for Arthas, then clear mobs to back door.
- Once Arthas opens the staircase, the tank and healer rounded up all the zombies by the front door, while we waited at the back door.
- Along come a huge chain of slow moving zombies, the tank runs into the next zone and grabs a chain (up to first construct) and we AOE them all down at once.
Compared to a timed run for the drake, this was absolutely the opposite. Slooow. Took us almost an hour after the two tank deaths.
Note: Don't forget to talk to Arthas. If you do forget at the start of a zone, be together when you ask him to continue on. All the zombies spawn immediately when you talk to him. That is instant death for a lone warlock. :)
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