100th Post: The Infestation of Peddlefeet
As I was firing up the editor, to rattle off a quick side-note about the crazy influx of Peddlefeet in and around Orgimmar, I noticed that this will be my 100th blog post. That mini-milestone seems to make this post a bit more important than a quick one-liner.
Reading through the Valentines day 2010 story plots, it sounds like the scourge are on their way. Perfumes and colognes that are 'infused' with something odd. A lone detective looking into the changes and what maybe going around.
I am glad that I have completed this last year. 12 Charm bracelets? OK, but I guess that may be easier than collecting gift baskets.
Pilfering Perfume: The perfume cases are outside Orgrimmar, between the entrance and the UC zeppelin landing.
Crushing the Crown depends on your level. My bank toon stayed in Orgrimmar. My 80-lock had to go to Dalaran and basically fall off the Krasius Landing into the Sprayers.
I've only heard the v-day boss(es) are tough. Haven't played them yet. Looks like a good case for two macro's depending on who is attacking you.
All can be stunned, so good place for lots of Conflagerate and Shadowflame stuns.

Best off there's like a .01% chance of a cool rocket sled drop. Darth-solo has a nice write-up on pugging these bosses.
One question, of the Valentines day achievements, I still do not have the Lovely Luck is on Your Side. Does my male orc REALLY need to buy a dress? Or can he get the male 'dinner suit'?
Reading through the Valentines day 2010 story plots, it sounds like the scourge are on their way. Perfumes and colognes that are 'infused' with something odd. A lone detective looking into the changes and what maybe going around.
I am glad that I have completed this last year. 12 Charm bracelets? OK, but I guess that may be easier than collecting gift baskets.
Pilfering Perfume: The perfume cases are outside Orgrimmar, between the entrance and the UC zeppelin landing.
Crushing the Crown depends on your level. My bank toon stayed in Orgrimmar. My 80-lock had to go to Dalaran and basically fall off the Krasius Landing into the Sprayers.
I've only heard the v-day boss(es) are tough. Haven't played them yet. Looks like a good case for two macro's depending on who is attacking you.
- Hummel -> "/use perfume neutralizer"
- Baxter -> "/use cologne neutralizer"
- Frye -> no aggro table and uses both.
All can be stunned, so good place for lots of Conflagerate and Shadowflame stuns.

Best off there's like a .01% chance of a cool rocket sled drop. Darth-solo has a nice write-up on pugging these bosses.
One question, of the Valentines day achievements, I still do not have the Lovely Luck is on Your Side. Does my male orc REALLY need to buy a dress? Or can he get the male 'dinner suit'?
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