Cataclysm Beta - Warlock Perspective Part 1
I copied Elkagorasa over to the Beta realms around the end of July and he's gotten about 8 hours game play total. A family vacation to visit Mickey Mouse in the middle sort of put a damper on his time. 3 hours game play over the weekend. Unfortunately he is still level 80. I have been leveling as Destruction, even though it was the build I intended as my PVP build.
Here's my initial reactions:
Here's my initial reactions:
- Due to the build mechanics, I am casting soul fire with every spell rotation. It has a long cast time (almost 5s?). Rotation is : curse, bane, curruption, Soul Fire, Immolate (typically a dead mob), conflag, inc spam.
- Trainers are still not talking to me, so I haven't been able to try out the soulburn mechanics. I am hoping that I'll be able to train when I hit level 81. My goblin and worgen haven't had any trainer related issues.
- Random Dungeon Finder won't let me queue. I had an issue before Disneyland that prevented me from queueing, now that's been fixed, but haven't tried again.
- Haven't tried queueing for individual PVP zones, as it caused the issue stated in #3. Also PVP queue issue caused the "queue join" alert to go off repeatedly (bong bong bong). Hence, why Elk didn't get much game play.
- Quest drops have been all vendored. So far, nothing looks like an upgrade. (No add-ons in Beta, so I can't use my crutch, Pawn.) I am still sporting all my T10/Frost badge/ICC gear.
- Just joined a guild with my Goblin (hunter), going to get Elk in same guild, get nice +% leveling bonus. Maybe also build some 5-mans for the dungeons.
There are two zones for level 80 players to play in, a water zone (I forget the name) and Hyjal. I've played both zones through the first 10-15 quests. Hyjal seems a bit more 'epic' as the quests require a flying mount. So far the water zone is fun, lots of naga and those underwater goblins. Don't bother looking for that Unending Breath spell.
- One cool thing I found in Vashjir is an example of Blizzard's new auto-quest mechanism. If you enter a zone (aka breadcrumb quest), or pick up an item that has a "click to start quest" mechanic, you will get a popup about that quest automatically. Complete the quest, it will allow you to auto-complete the quest without seeing a NPC. Great for when we level up, and need the XP.
- Reforging of my gear was simple. See vendor next to enchanting trainer. Not sure if the mechanics are functioning for the +mastery I put on gear. More to come.
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