Changes to Lock Glyphs in Cataclysm

for HolyCow I was looking at the Cataclysm Glyphs . With 9 total glyph 'slots', we're going to definitely get some breathing room. No longer forced to sell our Souls only to get a flying kilrogg . I don't know about you, but weren't you giddy with exhaustion that your demon enslaved FASTER. (He only lasts 1 MINUTE, every milisecond counts!) Seriously, having these 6 options and only get mediocre low-level glyphs, was, well sort of an insult. 35 glyph options and we all knew EXACTLY which ones you absolutely had to have. ~3 Minute preview of (a mage) New Glyph UI! Coming soon, we'll get 34 glyph options (7 Minor, 14 Major and 13 Prime). Most of the Prime glyphs are existing Major (3.3) glyphs, so you'll need to move them around from your major slots to the Primes. Prime glyphs aren't going to be exciting in a 'change up your rotation' style. We want primes to be unambiguous dps (etc.) increases so we figured they might as well be ea...