Looking for Alternate Gear Sources

As I get SLOWLY ready for raiding, I am constantly on the look out for cheap upgrade options. Sure, eventually, I'll have enough valor points to get my nice shiny T11 warlock gear, but that's a ways away. 2200 valor points / 70 points per heroic dungeon = 31 days / 4 dungeons a week = 7 week s Long story, short, by March, assuming no raiding, I should be replacing my lowest grade item. First off, what's an upgrade? While I was searching for PAWN scales and Simcraft results, I found this forum post on EJ . About half way down the page, Peanut posts his simcraft stat prioritization levels for destro locks. # gear_stamina=4846 # gear_intellect=4355 # gear_spirit=20 # gear_spell_power=1729 # gear_hit_rating=1756 # gear_crit_rating=858 # gear_haste_rating=1298 # gear_mastery_rating=438 Using these values, I figured I had a fairly good Heroic Destruction Pawn scale. To simplify my numbers, I divided everything by 100 and used that (stam=4.846, etc.). ( Pa...