
Showing posts from May, 2011

Yeah, No.

No flaming, flying lion for this warlock. Cool, but at $25?! I already bit that bullet with the sparkle pony and won't do it again. If I am to purchase another mount from Blizzard, it will be the $30 ( recruit a friend ) two-person rocket. BTW Blizzard, where's my flying warlock mount?

Friday Check-in

I hadn't posted in awhile, mostly because I didn't have 'sufficient' content for a stand alone post. So, I thought today, I'd take a few minutes and post a few tidbits. Random Dungeon Drop-off I know soon after 4.1 dropped, the dungeons were once again friendly. I could queue up for a random heroic and typically land one in under 10 minutes. This was a vast improvement over the typical 30 minutes that I was getting pre-4.1 dungeons. Now about a month after release, it seems the queue times are creeping up again. Yes, I am typically trying for the double-bonus valor troll dungeons. Is it because all the tanks have everything they want from the new bag of goodies? or people just not want to suffer the content in a pug? Gear Upgrades Over the last 2 weeks, OOT has managed to reliably take down Halfus. The last 2 raid days, we've even been able to also take down Magmaw. This has meant a few (one)  upgrade for me. That 346 offhand, that I mentioned last time...

What to Wear??

I am torn. I don't know what to wear! Here I am, on the cusp of the big raid tonight, with money in my pocket and no idea what to spend it on. What do I really want to pickup?? According to , I have an average iLevel of 354. This equates to: Eight i359 items (raiding and exalted honor) - neck, chest, back, legs, feet, waist, hands and alchemy trinket.  Four i353 items from the new Troll dungeons - head, shoulders, main hand weapon and ring 1. Five i346 items from justice points and heroic Cata dungeons - wrists, off-hand, ranged, trinket 2, and ring 2. Looking at what Jamus'Vaz has for sale, he's got a lot of nice shiny items. (I think he really needs a rack that he pulls items from, when he sells you). Tier chest , legs and hands . I have i359 alternatives of all three of these. (Note: Hands and legs drop in Baradin Hold ) Feet , back , rings and trinkets . I have the Uldum exalted feet and the valor back, but the rings and trinkets would be 'upgra...

Blogger burped

This is an odd Friday the 13th . Living up to the gremlin laced superstitions associated with this date, blogger has lost content. Any post after the evening of the 12th has been lost, but any comments have been lost, not that I lost a bunch.. Just, if you did comment, I didn't censor it.. Jason whacked it.

I am loving the new ZA!

No longer that silly hat, but now a dog cone. I am really loving the heroic Zul'Aman dungeon. Last night, I pugged the dungeon again, making it my third time into the dungeon since 4.1 dropped last week. I still have yet to complete the save the sacrifice's quest, but I picked up a couple nice new upgrades. Last night's run had to been the most aggressive run. It contained 3 members of the same guild, plus a pugged healer and myself. We completed the entire dungeon in under an hour. I found it odd that I hardly ever ran out of mana, must of been some mad replenishment going on. I only life tapped out of habit before harvesting souls. The last two successful runs, took the following route. This route has a bit of a parkour feel. We hopped over walls, we jumped over broken stairs, even crossed the water, all to avoid trash fights. Having a DK in the group, really helps. The first time I ran it, we did boss 2 & 3, ported out of the dungeon, back in and did 1, then...

The End is Nigh!!

I just found out. It has been fun, but I have been informed that my time is short. I have maybe one more, before it all ends. Unfortunately, I am not sure I even care... See, Blizzard, just informed me that my subscription is set to expire with the next edition of the magazine . Each volume of the magazine comes in a nice, 'table-top' quality magazine. The stories range from insider information ( Meet the Devs articles were my favorites), upcoming gear and zone changes information, and fluff pieces (blizzcon costumes, craft ideas, etc.). With Volume 3, that I got last month , they had a few interesting articles. Did you know that they are bringing out a new expansion? It's called "Cataclysm"! They even spent a good portion on the lore of each of the new races . (in case you don't know, they're the worgen and goblin, woohoo) In addition, there were a few strategy guides for the 4.0.3 dungeons, reposted articles off their own "official' forums ...

Do You Vuhdo Too, Warlock?

As a disc priest, I love the addon Vuhdo . Combine the ctrl, alt and shift keys with my 5 button mouse and I can cast virtually all the primary healing spells I'd ever need. I can automate trinket usage, and casting buff spells (i.e. power infusion ) in line with everything else, or call on macros that would combine the functionality of different items automatically. In addition, Vuhdo has buff minding and simple casting options (click buff and it applies it), plus auto-cast of some spells (i.e. click on dead toon to rez) or middle-click to debuff magic. After my interview with TNB , where Fimlys mentioned he uses this instead of the standard, Blizzard party/raid window, I got to thinking about how I could use this healing tool more effectively as a warlock. Some ideas. Buff: Dark Intent - Out of the box, Vuhdu tracks self-buffs (Fel Armor, Soul Link, and Dark Intent, etc.). I can click on the self-buffs and it immediately casts them on myself. Last night in the raid, it target...

Voluntary Demon Change

Last night while running through the Drag in Orgrimmar, I stumbled upon the Demon Trainer, Kurgul . I hadn't visited this guy in a few patches and thought I'd check out what he's up to. Come to find out (since the 4.0.3 patch) that he allows you now to unbind your current demon and summon a new one. Unhappy with Thooshak's performance in the PVP arena and those constant threats about "if you summon me again, be warned", I thought I'd let him go. YOU"RE FIRED! 50g in paperwork later, I now have a new Felguard. Oddly this guy looks like the identical twin to the last. No female form, no coloration difference. Only thing I see changed, is now his unpronounceable name. I think I'll simply call him Izzy.

I haz Petting Zoo

With the start of Children's week, comes the start of a series of Take your Orphan to work quests. Those quests that have you drag an orphan around to 5 different points of interest, usually on highly different parts of the map. Happily, with the completion of each quest chain, you are able to pickup a new pet for each one (now even Dalaran). Blizzard has also blessed us with 2 new pets ( Scooter and Legs ) for the Orgrimmar and Shatrath versions. With these last three pets (Scooter, Egbert for the achievement, and Wolvar pup), it pushed Elk to the 100 pet limit. Here's some screenies of these last 5 pets. Note, the wolvar pup comes in your mail after you finish the quests. Not picked up when you turn in the last quest.   Winterspring Cub Panther Scooter Egbert Curious Wolvar Pup A quick note about doing these Children's week quests. Set your Hearth to Shattrath and/or Dalaran when you start. This should save quite a bit of flying around to get y...

Flipping the Winterspring Cub

I was reading on sites like Cold's Gold , about a new companion pet introduced in patch 4.1. This site is for sale from a vendor in Everlook for 50g. So, I sent my death knight alt (yeah got one of those too) since he has the flight paths everywhere and hasn't left Orgrimmar since talking to Thrall. With his 120g, I picked up 2 of these wonderful cats . Shipped one off to both Elk and my Disc priest, Eride. Checking AH, she posted hers for a measly Buyout price of 94g. It sold for the BID price of 75g. Nothing like the 400-7000g that people were bragging about. Ah well, maybe make tips selling  transporting them for guildies.