That was FUN! 2 man Sartharion-25.

Logged in today and found that a guild-mate needed some help. She wanted to get the drake from Sartharion 3-drake . Considering Sarth has less than 10million health for 25man, he wasn't that much of an issue for two i500+ equipped pets classes.. :) Grats on the new mount Taurohtar ! Elk actually got the achievement for it! Empowered, we went to ICC , for the skeletal drake from there. Trash, piece of cake. (funny when they miss!) Malomar, er Marrowgar, easy. Lady Deathwhisper, we didn't get Full House because we killed her too fast. The adds before her, aren't the ones to leave. Boat, nope. We couldn't destroy their boat fast enough with those little pew-pew cannons.