Review: War Crimes by Christie Golden [No Spoilers]
To make this work you have to make two concessions:
- Horde and Alliance can openly talk. Blizzard has already established this part of the lore via the SoO ending cut scene, but I guess we've had this in all forms for awhile. We can both talk to the Pandarian, Kirin Tor, and the Goblins. It's just player-to-player communication that doesn't work in-game. (We're just not worthy!)
- Just by being a leader of a race, you are now a pretty good litigator. Sure, you've had to deal with political in-fighting, this must qualify you to defend or accuse in a court of law, er, celestial training facility.
The audio edition is a little over 13 hours long. It was well acted with Scott Brick changing up the voices for each character. (click book cover to jump to Amazon and give the sample a listen). Very similar accents and style as those done in the game. With 40 something chapters and my short 15 minute commute to work, I was able to complete at least one chapter each direction without issue.
As with the Shattering, I enjoyed the story. If you enjoy the lore of Warcraft and would like to see how things tie together in the end for Garrosh, I would suggest listening (or reading, if you want to do your own voices! ). I am curious as to what will come alive in-game.
The one question for me that remains, does the book give away the villain of WoD? Only December will say for sure.
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