Kotaku highlighted a video recently linked to a video by Bellular Gaming that highlights his 'easy' method for making gold; soloing classic raids.
He solo'd 3 Cata raids using a 600+ geared hunter. Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Decent, and Firelands. He mentions also DE'ing a lot of the items then selling that on the AH, but didn't get into that for the video.
BOT: 19 minutes |
BWD: 15 minutes |
Firelands: 30 minutes |
I'd be curious about running BOT as a warlock. With void-tank, it should be fairly do-able. The raid is not too far from the portal spawn point and I've actually seen most of this raid already first hand. If truely 20 minutes per run, I could finally start upgrading those garrison buildings to level 3! Yeah!
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