I played Affliction from Vanilla through Wrath. In a pug, someone griped that I wasn't doing enough DPS. Basically telling me to " Stop letting that DOT ramp up, BLAST IT!!" Soon after, I picked up my second spec and started playing Destruction. Destruction was great, until raiding Magmaw. Then I didn't have enough AOE damage to kill the worms. Along comes Demonology. I have pretty much played demo until recently. The other night, I pug a troll dungeon with guildies and we land another warlock , he's also running Demo. So, for kicks, I flipped back to Destro. He's new to the spec, so let him have fun. Along the way, he asks if he can make a comment. Sure , I am thinking, I am a blogger, this could mean a post! He had some good points. Take points out of Demonic Aegis and feed into Empowered Imp. Put points into Dark Arts, etc.. Looking at my talents, they made sense. What was wowpopular , wasn't any longer. Yesterday, I grabbed the 1/7/33 spec and a...