
Showing posts from April, 2016

Vanilla Server

If you haven't figured it out, a true Vanilla ain't ever gonna happen. Why not just let Nostalrius continue the way it was? The honest answer is, failure to protect against intellectual property infringement would damage Blizzard’s rights. This applies to anything that uses WoW’s IP, including unofficial servers. And while we’ve looked into the possibility – there is not a clear legal path to protect Blizzard’s IP and grant an operating license to a pirate server. ( source ) Blizzard is never going to allow someone else to run and modify their game. Allowing the Nostalrius servers to exist is allowing someone else to own and modify their property. "Here's this awesome book I wrote, I don't mind if you pretend you wrote it, add chapters, change character names.." right.. This Nostalrius crew could do fine and honor the original game premise, never modifying it from it's original roadmap, but they don't have to. The real EQ Killer If Blizzard l...

Spring Update

Like many, Spring fever has struck. You're at this time bidding time in Warlords, playing Warcraft Alpha, in the Overwatch Beta, or playing something else completely. Sadly, I haven't been invited to the Alpha or Beta, so that's out. My Alliance character has gone stagnant as the arena team has taken an informal break. So, what am I doing? Erknea @ Malfurion-US Well, the Hearthstone hero this tempted me to play one of my low level toons. I took my bank-toon (goblin hunter) and decked her out in a full hunter set. I then proceeded to level her up from 5 to 22. Easy. I was done in a couple hours. Totally played on her is 22hours, but she's my primary bank toon, so it's over inflated. Hearthstone. With the possibility of a new hero, I started playing Hearthstone as well. I had previously built the "Trump Mage Deck" (which I now can't find because it's that old. I am having a lot of fun with this deck. With it I've managed to play casual...